Mature Content Warning: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.
It’s a mistake to think of vampires as simple parasites that latch on to an unlucky victim and drain them until they drop. No, they’re not ticks.
They’re spiders.
Kindred lure victims into their webs and form a ring of protection and sustenance around themselves. And spiders, like vampires, are cunning. They ensnare the small and the weak, but some bind the strong and the mighty.
Think of the spider when you consider the vampire’s herd, the vampire’s retainers, the vampire’s allies. They’re all theirs, caught in a web surrounding a predator. Some even fool themselves into thinking they want to be there. They think that proximity to the predator is a boon, or maybe, just maybe, the predator will see them as a creature with a use greater than sustenance.
Do not fall for the lies of the vampire, recruit. Throughout their webs are trails of ash and bone, from all their friends, loved ones, companions, and cultists.
The vampire cannot help but be the hungry spider.
Trails of Ash and Bone includes:
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