Murder Knights of Corvendark is a 40 page softback, grim, old-school adventure intended for The Midderlands setting. The adventure targets 3-5 characters around 4th level but easily scales. While written for Swords and Wizardry, Murder Knights of Covendark works with retro-clone and OSR games like Castles and Crusades with little or no work.
Content Warning: This adventure contains swear words and mature themes.
Introduction to Murder Knights of Corvendark
No one knows from where they came. All feathers and spite. Their vile beaks spit angry screeches, and beneath their wing beats, acrid miasmas swirl. Within the subterranean caverns beneath Wychington — on the shores of Lake Grimwater — a small part of a region from long ago, or maybe a time yet to pass, has come into existence. Malign and abhorrent half-men, half-crows inhabit this harrowing place. Standing menacingly, clad in the darkest armour, or on their pitch-black wings protected by lighter, piecemeal leather armour, they murder men and feast on their flesh. Strangely resentful of their barely-feathered gods, they despise other living creatures for taking their breaths. This is Corvendark, and under the sign of an inverted, five-skulled star, the Murder Knights dwell.
Since the coming of this otherworldly realm, the Grimwater Lake region has been plagued by the atrocities of the ‘harpies’ — as they have been incorrectly named — regularly raiding the surface lands. Wychington, a town on the north lake edge, at the mouth of the Lesselling River, has suffered the most devastation.
It is now that heroes are needed. Who will destroy this menace, or send them back whence they came?
The Lord of Wychington, Corben Truss, has sent out word of the need for aid and assistance to any that will heed it. Maybe, just maybe, that is you?
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An adventure in a wondrous place for any character level.
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Amy Johnson Way
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