Gulls fly south over caul-fat waves and salt-spray spit from the malevolent sea. They find more welcome behind the Blessed Breaker, picking at discarded carcasses in the canals of the Swell. Everything washes down there eventually, living or dead.
But do not despair, you sodden wretch. As sure as the water rises, there is fortune to be had in desperation. There are forbidden technologies humming beneath the water, powerful hydromancies mouldering in abandoned villages, and mud-soaked hoards in the bone palaces beyond the wall.
Make of your time what you will, but be sure to use it wisely, for there is little left. And whatever you do in Saint Magnus, don’t drink the water.
The Flood Bell Tolls in Saint Magnus is a system-neutral campaign setting for roleplaying games, set in a drowning city on the verge of rebellion.
When paired with your favourite tabletop rule system, the book contains everything a game master needs to run a campaign in the sodden and dangerous city of Saint Magnus. Fight guards and gang members for territory in the aqueducts of the Swell. Help rid a desperate village in the Dredge of ghosts, or leave them all to their watery deaths and steal whatever they leave behind. You might abandon self-preservation entirely and venture out into the Mudflats. Or maybe you’ll discover loftier ambitions and try to find a way up to the Crest, however you can.
What’s inside?
Across more than 75 pages, this book contains:
Content warnings: Body horror, insects and squirming creatures, parasites, death and decay, drug use, oppression, cults.
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An adventure in a wondrous place for any character level.
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Unit 3A Trident Business Park
Amy Johnson Way
Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 1.30pm
Weekends: Closed
Website Design 2020 - 2025 © Dungeonland
Unit 3A Trident Business Park
Amy Johnson Way
Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 1.30pm
Weekends: Closed
Website Design 2020 - 2024 © Dungeonland