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Shadow Of The Demon Lord Exquisite Agony Sourcebook

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Product Details
Brand: Studio Two Publishing
UPC: 2370007576883
Cover: Softback
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Item Type: RPG
Theme: Shadow of the Demon Lord
Genre: Fantasy

What Wonders You Will See!

Somewhere far below Urth’s surface lies a place of shadow and fire, a realm of exquisite agonies and terrible delights. Hell awaits all who bear corruption’s stain on their souls, for it is a boundless repository for the damned, a place where every wickedness, every deviance, every sin is on full display along with the consequences for those actions. The devils, Hell’s denizens, profit from mortal misdeeds and go to incredible lengths to lead mortals astray. While they readily destroy lives and laugh with glee at the rivers of tears and blood they create, they need the world as much as mortals do—for without it they too would be doomed. A shadow has fallen on Urth, a grim darkness cast by the Voice in the Void, and the devils wring their hands with worry. Some, perhaps, might set aside their appetites for evil to join forces and take a stand against the impossible foe.

Exquisite Agony offers a bevy of tools for players and Game Masters to bring Hell into their campaigns. Inside you’ll find:

  • An overview of Hell, including important locations and the movers and shakers that rule this place
  • Rules for make deals with devils and the rewards for serving them
  • Guidelines for summoning devils from Hell to gain their favors
  • An assortment of horrid creatures, such as the malebranche, the butcher, and the disgusting zeboul
  • New background details, marks of darkness, and the cambion ancestry for players.
  • New paths such as the apostate and witch hunter
  • An assortment of new spells to expand the core traditions
  • A complete adventure for novice characters

Exquisite Agony gives you everything you need to drench your campaigns in the horror only devils can create. With the options in this book, your campaign will to descend to new depths of darkness and despair.

To use this product, you’ll need Shadow of the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord’s Companion.

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