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Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos Sagas Ghoul Island Act 3 Clean Up Crew 5th Edition Fantasy

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Product Details
Brand: Petersen Games
UPC: 793611930452
Cover: Hardback
Item Type: RPG
Theme: Fifth Edition
Genre: Horror

The time has come to press their advantage and drive the foul cult of Ghatanothoa from idyllic Farzeen. In act 3, Clean Up Crew, the adventurers do just that and in their investigations learn that their fight has just begun.

Gaining entrance to the hastily constructed citadel proves to be a near insurmountable challenge, and the adventurers turn to the lava tubes riddling Farzeen for an answer. The subterranean path has its own host of challenges, but they fight through, learning more of the island’s true history in the process. When faced with the power of Ghatanothoa they experience their first taste of bitter defeat at the hands of its mummifying gaze. Fortuitously, a previously unknown ally provides the opportunity to escape, and they are able to warn their allies that the battle is far from over.

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Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos Sagas Ghoul Island Act 3 Clean Up Crew 5th Edition Fantasy
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