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Redsky RPG Core Book 5E (Hardback + PDF)

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Product Details
Brand: Solar Studios
UPC: 9798986743639
Cover: Hardback
Item Type: RPG
Theme: Fifth Edition
Genre: Fantasy

"Redsky is a magicless science-fantasy setting and total conversion for 5e. Deep in the hull of the World Ship, the sky will turn blood red. Civilizations will collapse. Almost everyone will die.

You have never played 5e like this. Go beyond good and evil with Redsky 's new elemental alignments. Enjoy a more grounded experience redesigned for a cap at 10th level, and come prepared! Healing takes more time and combat is more tactical. In a world of swords and spears, awe friends and foes with powerful Eldertech artifacts.

The 350-page Redsky Core Book holds beautiful original art, a complete setting, and new rules for social encounters, weather, exploration, and combat that will work with any low-or-no-magic setting. Open the door to a whole new way to play 5e."

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Redsky RPG Core Book 5E (Hardback + PDF)
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