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Mutants & Masterminds RPG Power Profiles

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Product Details
Brand: Green Ronin
UPC: 9781934547533
Cover: Hardback
Item Type: RPG
Theme: Mutants & Masterminds
Genre: Superhero

Absolute Power!

The Mutants & Masterminds Superhero Roleplaying Game gives you all the tools you need to create the super powers you imagine. Power Profiles gives you those powers... and more!

In this book are more than thirty power types from Air and Armor to Water and Weather, each with some two dozen or more powers described and built in M&M game terms. That’s more than seven hundred different ready-to-use powers, all in one book!

Power Profiles includes something for everyone. Think your ideal hero doesn’t have any powers? Think again: Power Profiles includes Luck Powers, Martial Powers, and Talent Powers, special abilities that could all be described as superior training or skill!

You can find endless ideas for M&M heroes and villains just by turning the pages of Power Profiles and letting your imagination go, and you can point both new and experienced players to just the right section for the hero they want to play.

Power Profiles includes new power options, extras, flaws, and variants to modify the basic power effects from the Hero’s Handbook, so you can create the powers you want. More than just powers, each profile also covers complications associated with those powers, to give your characters added depth and to help you earn hero points in play.

Power Profiles refines and greatly expands the power options from Mutants & Masterminds, taking its basic effects and turning them into a wealth of options you can choose from. With this book, there’s no limit to your power!

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Mutants & Masterminds RPG Power Profiles
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