This supplement does not stand alone, and is meant to be used with the Helvéczia RPG rules. It is made available separately for reasons of completeness, but the buyer is advised to buy it with the hardcover edition, or purchase the boxed set that includes it.
“In this booklet, the Gamemaster will find the description of two Helvéczian cantons, using the campaign hexagon system. The locations marked on the wilderness map and noted in the text by the hex coordinates will supply many possibilities for adventure: ruins and robbers’ strongholds, forest homesteads and mountain towns, monsters, and peaceful burghers. But this is not all. (…) The materials found in the supplement provide a basic framework for future adventures. Ammertal can become an adventure background for smaller or larger adventures, or it can become a set of building blocks where connections between different elements provide fodder for further adventures – and different ones for each Gamemaster.”
Explore two Helvéczian cantons in this 72-page supplement: the more civilised lands of Ammertal, arranged around two trade routes, and the more out of the way Oberammsbund, whose robber bands keep to their mountain valleys. It provides a mini-setting in a corner of Helvéczia with the hope that from these materials, the gamemaster and the players will create something new and of their own. In addition to hex descriptions, the supplement contains three larger and two smaller adventures introducing various aspects of the Helvéczia RPG, as well as other useful materials.
Your print order also makes you eligible for a free copy of the PDF edition delivered via DriveThruRPG.
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Amy Johnson Way
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