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Dungeonland slime

Escape From The Astral Spellhold (Softback + PDF)

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Product Details
Brand: Christian Kessler
UPC: 9781736836958
Cover: Softback
Item Type: RPG Indie
Genre: Fantasy

Can you find your way out?

An unfamiliar door on a familiar street. Behind it, a fragment of another realm, given shape and substance by the cruel puppet master who makes all your lives hell. Escape from the Astral Spellhold is a puzzle dungeon for PCs of any level. This adventure rewards the clever and careful and punishes the arrogant.


  • 8 puzzles to strain the wits of even the hardiest of players
  • carousing table
  • rumors table
  • system agnostic, so you can use it with just about any system
  • the answers to the puzzles (in case it gets rough!)
20 pages, A5, saddle stitched zine, color cover, b&w interiors. Includes pdf.
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Escape From The Astral Spellhold (Softback + PDF)
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