Quack upon a time, in the days of the Quacken...
...between the age when Atlast Isle was swallowed by the Maelstrom, and the rise of the Ducks of Anas, there was a lot of really funky stuff going on in AquaLoonia. And unto this, a party of Adventurers, destined to have a really good time. Only YOU can tell their saga. Only YOU can tell of their tales of high adventure!
Welcome to DuckQuest
, a tongue-in-beak fantasy role-playing game. This is the Quackstarter Edition
, which was made with help from backers of the Star Hat Miniatures for DuckQuest Fantasy Role Playing Games Kickstarter.
About the Game:
is a roleplaying game with an unapologetic humorous bent. There will be absurd flights of fantasy, fleeting moments of lucidity and far too many fowl puns. This is a game of light and duck.
And don't forget to pick up the first adventure for DuckQuest , The Banshee of Billfort!
"Picture a game that mingles Marvel's Howard the Duck and Rocket Raccoon, with the adventures of Usagi Yojimbo, Stan Sakai's rōnin rabbit, and a dash of Disney cartoonery, then pepper it with humour akin to Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Now you'll have an idea of what's to come when you leaf through the pun-packed pages of Darcy Perry's DuckQuest: Quack Starter Edition." - Hero Press
Book: 64 pages, 8.5" x 11" saddle stitched book, color cover and interiors. Includes pdf.
Map: 11" x 17" flat size single fold map, color on both sides. Includes pdf.
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Monday to Friday : 9.30am - 1.30pm
Weekends : Closed
An adventure in a wondrous place for any character level.
Website Design 2020 - 2025 © Dungeonland.
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Unit 3A Trident Business Park
Amy Johnson Way
Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 1.30pm
Weekends: Closed
Website Design 2020 - 2025 © Dungeonland
Unit 3A Trident Business Park
Amy Johnson Way
Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 1.30pm
Weekends: Closed
Website Design 2020 - 2024 © Dungeonland