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Castles & Crusades RPG Tomb Of The River King (Softback + PDF)

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Product Details
Brand: Troll Lord
Cover: Softback
Item Type: RPG
Theme: Castles & Crusades
Genre: Fantasy

In ages past, or so the tales relate, a magical beast haunted the lands of the desert people. Some he devoured, others he placed in bondage. These slaves he bid build for him a mighty tomb, a pyramid the likes of which few in those days had seen. He gathered all his manifold wealth and crawled into the tomb and there sealed himself in. By design or happenstance, the tales do not say.

Rumors abound that the tomb has been found, this ancient resting place, filled with wonderous magics of the old world, waiting for the intrepid and bold to unearth it and plunder its history.

This module is designed for four to five players of 5th to 6th level.

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Castles & Crusades RPG Tomb Of The River King (Softback + PDF)
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