  • Click for an RPG style introduction

    "Hmm." Eric mutters out loud to himself as he scratches his chin and peers closer into the ornate gold trimmed mirror. "I look as handsome as ever." He thinks to himself, "but I don't see anything special happening. Besides me."

    "Are you sure this is magic?" Hank asks as he turns to Presto.

    "My spell says so." He replies somewhat unassuringly. "And there ain't nothing else here in this old crumbling tower except junk."

    "Since when did one of your spells actually work?" Interrupts Eric.

    "Leave Presto alone, Eric." Says Sheila calming the group who seem somewhat at a loss as to where to head next. "He's doing his best."

    "At least his spell didn't turn any of us into a Grung this time." Eric mutters jokingly to himself as he looks back in the mirror again, just to make sure.

    Then together, the four of them peer into the mirror expectantly. But alas, nothing but their reflections is returned. Until suddenly...


    Quickly they all turn in unison as they hear a loud noise behind them, drawing their weapons, but unnecessarily as all they see is Bobby and Diana in a somewhat broken doorway.

    "Sorry guys." Bobby says in his young squeaky voice. "The door just fell off the hinges as I pushed it open. Did any of you find where Uni ran off to?"

    "She disappeared after she entered this room." Hank replies. "Presto thinks it is something to do with this large gold mirror."

    Diana steps over toward the mirror and peers into it. "Is it magic then, Presto?"

    "Here we go again." Eric complains quietly to himself knowing that if it weren't for Bobby's young unicorn running off in the first place he wouldn't have to be here in this cold delapidated tower. A tower that looks like it could collapse at any moment with the strong winds outside.

    Bobby steps forward and takes his club from his belt. Then slowly, he reaches forward with it and pushes it against the glass of the mirror. To his surprise though, the club doesn't tap the mirror as he expected, and instead passes partially through it.

    "Woah." Bobby says as he steps back. "The mirror ate my club. Did you see that?"

    Then an old and familiar voice comes from the (now) doorless entrance behind them. "It's time you went through the magic mirror Bobby."

    "Dungeon Master!" They all exclaim in surprise as they turn. Except Eric, who is never surprised when the elderly gentleman turns up. 

    "Oh. Now he shows up." Eric mutters sarcastically as he waves a finger in the air. "Where were you when that six-headed dragon chased us all up here."

    "You can triumph over anything in this realm as you well know, Cavalier." The Dungeon Master replies to Eric's waving finger. "As adventurers you may think you have seen everything: certainly your skills have brought you through unimaginable dangers. But now you will enter a place unlike through which any that you have travelled. Through the unique and wondrous realm of Dungeonland. Take your first step through the magic mirror and into a land of great adventure..."

Welcome to Dungeonland!

Dungeonland is primarily a tabletop roleplaying game store, often abbreviated to TTRPG. A TTRPG is a form of game in which the participants describe their characters’ actions through speech and use rules and often dice to determine the outcome. Players have the freedom to improvise and shape the story. Tabletop RPGs are a great way to use your imagination and bond around the dinner table. Dungeons & Dragons is the most well known example, although our ambition is to introduce you to the many other great TTRPG games that are out there.

Dungeonland is the store that puts tabletop roleplaying games first and currently carries a range of over five thousand different tabletop roleplaying games alongside some other related merchandise. We are a small family run store dedicated to bringing as much of the world of tabletop RPG physical products to you as we can, whether it is your first adventure, or you're a seasoned veteran. We are here for anyone that is seeking great fantasy escapism in what has become a challenging world for many to live in. We recommend you use the Explore Shop category to start with and use the 'Refine By' option (right side) to help narrow down your search. You can do this by item type, theme, genre, and brand and select other options too like solo play, for example.

Getting the most out of Dungeonland

We keep Dungeonland as transparent as we can. All the information you need is available on our left side menu (PC and tablet) or by clicking on the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) which is top left on a mobile. Here you'll find information about us, how to contact us, a FAQ, details on shipping and returns and how to use our pre-order and stock notification features. The one we recommend you read is the shipping and checkout page. Dungeonland is also a platform we use to support the Dogs Trust, of which Dungeonland is an official registered supporter. Having adopted Milly in December 2020, a very friendly Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the welfare of homeless dogs is close to our hearts. You can read about how you can help us fund raise for Dogs Trust on our Dogs Trust page.

Share our Passion

When you are ready, come and join us on our Discord channel. Here you can meet likeminded players and game masters you can chat to, or you can chat to us or just read through the conversations that are taking place on there. It's also where we post news about what is happening at Dungeonland. All are welcome to join us on our Discord server. Simply click this link and accept the displayed invitation - https://discord.gg/d5Thp4ehcG

Keep a look out for the many indie RPG titles we stock too. Indie tabletop RPGs are role-playing games that are independently produced and published. They are usually created by small teams or individuals. Supporting indie publishers is at the heart of Dungeonland. Just like us, these are small businesses and sometimes individuals striving out on their own, and like us, they will appreciate your support.

The Party

We are Mark, Paul, and Milly (our rescue dog) and we are Dungeonland. Mark is the creator of Dungeonland, forever digging out new tunnels to stock with treasures, and Paul runs the merchant caravans, shipping goods around the rest of the realm. And Milly? She is the adopted beast of the realm. Asleep for most of the day while we work around her snoring furry body. Dungeonland was created in March 2020 and is a specialist tabletop roleplaying game store. It is based on the Fylde Coast forever dedicated to sharing the wonderful world of the tabletop roleplaying game.

Dungeonland Family
Dungeonland Family
Dungeonland Family

Our Pricing Model

At Dungeonland we don't price all our items with .99 price tags like most other stores. The reason for this is that Dungeonland always makes the same margin every item we sell, enough margin that it allows Dungeonland to grow, but also ensures we give you the same great value on every item we sell. We don't round up our prices and everything is discounted below the RRP. That's not something we advertise (except on special offers), as it is our standard pricing structure for the store.

Fylde Adventure Group

The Fylde Adventure Group is a group of like-minded adventuring individuals that include Dungeonland and meet up on the Fylde Coast approximately once a fortnight on a Friday evening. We currently play the Dragonbane tabletop roleplaying game together and we do this IRL (in real life, not online). We have a mix of experience with most of the party being active game masters either in our group, or in other sessions they run elsewhere around the Fylde Coast or in online sessions. If you would like to chat with any of us, or with Dungeonland, visit our Discord channel and post in the #lookingforagroup section.

Fylde Adventure Group

Our party is, from left to right, Tinderrock, Dwarven Bard, known for a few off-key notes in his inspiring music, that is, if he hasn't fled the battlefield already. Tym, a limping pessimistic knight, always ready to fight, and frequently expecting to die. Arison, Elven Mage and Elementalist, and as buff as any barbarian, he fights with his fists and dares to even wear a golden crown into battle. And Bumble, the halfling rogue that doesn't stop smiling, that is until his party lower him into yet another deep chasm... narrow tunnel... bottomless pit... or anywhere else that they believe his tiny body might be best suited to explore.

These four doomed souls make up the party members played by the Fylde Adventure Group in the tabletop roleplaying game known as Dragonbane. Using miniatures really enhances our experience and luckily we have one or two members in the group that are a dab-hand at painting them.

An Example Session

Our sessions typically last around four hours each evening and may include pizza! Our GM is currently running the included adventure within the Dragonbane Starter Set. Below is an excerpt from one of our early sessions to give you an example of what an evenings play can look like. This is shortly into the adventure after the party leaves the starting town for the first time and begins to wander out into the surrounding area.

As the party explores a dark, ever deepening cave that is littered with underground rivers trying to find an oracle to help them locate parts of a broken statue they seek, things continue to take a turn, then another turn, and another turn, for the worst. Well, that was Tym's point of view at least as Bumble was pushed down yet another tunnel that the remainder of the party claimed was 'too tight' for them to make safe passage. And as he crawled, and crawled, in the darkness he could hear their distant words of encouragement to push on until eventually he was lost to them again. Was it the second or third time this had happened? He couldn't recall. The spiders in the cave that would climb up all over him and nibbled at his soft skin generally made it difficult to remember.

Eventually, scared, covered in small spider bites, and soaked through from falling into one of the many underground rivers, a dishearteaned Bumble made it back to the party after facing some peril alone in the caves. And as he entered the cavern where the party was waiting Arison was in a peaceful trance sleeping while Tinderrock and Tym cooked marshmallows over a warm fire. A weary Bumble proceeded to warn the rest of the party that the cave was full of spiders as big as rats, and some as big as dogs, maybe even horses, and perhaps an elephant spider too. They were big! Or so it seemed to his small form at least.

They gathered themselves and proceeded up another dark tunnel that lead once more to a raging river. This time the party managed to cross the river without Bumble being dropped in it, which was a first, and on the other side they met a fleeing bandit called Rake. Naturally, they let the bandit go without asking him much in the way of useful questions but instead gambled on whether he would make it successfully across the river, or not. And Tym, expecting failure as ever, betted against the bandit, and the other three each earned some silver off him as the bandit made the jump to freedom in seconds, and without a drop of water touching him. An embarrassment to the party which had spent two days previously trying to cross.

It seemed inevitable that eventually the party would come to a cavern entrance with webs strewn all across it. The brave... no hang on... the over-confident, that sounds better, Arison in his big gold crown, proceeded to take Bumble's torch and light the webs up in flames as he entered with Tym just behind him, reminding him how likely it is they might die here. And as two enormous black spiders descended from the ceiling Tinderrock thought about playing his horn to get the party inspired for battle, however, it seemed far easier to just run in fear back down the tunnel and so off he went. As the party looked back on him the sound of his running foot steps and screams could be heard as disappeared into the darkness once more (this had become a pattern at this point) and then slowly, the spiders started to make their move, crawling eerily toward the remaining party members.

After a hard fought battle that left Arison poisoned with spider venom, Tinderrock returned and they searched the cavern together. There were multiple human sized cocoons but the victims were all long since dead bar one bandit, Merrick, the leader of his less than merry band. Again, questioning was limited from the party, and Tym decided to simply knock him out and drag him off as potential spider food for later. As the party trudged up the next tunnel, burning more webs in their way, the poison in Arison's body began to take no effect at all as his utter buff'ness just blew it off. He was as strong as Bumble was little, and the halfling felt some embarrassment after having complained about receiving much smaller spider bites earlier... MUCH smaller.

Then finally, the oracle appeared before them, descending upon the four party members from a dark corner of the cavern. A huge, elephant sized, ancient looking beast that seemed to have some telepathic powers as it spoke to the party all together in each of their heads. It soon became apparent the oracle elephant spider had her own problems and was being pestered by orcs coming from a watch tower above. And indeed, orc carcasses had littered the caves prior. As the party struck an accord to rid the oracle of her orcs in exchange for information about the whereabouts of the statue pieces, the bandit Merrick, was offered up also in part exchange. But of course, he still had webs on him which raised the oracles suspicion he was stolen food. And at this point, it seemed sensible to Arison to mention that we'd just hacked the living daylights out of her spider brethren not five minutes earlier in the adjacent cave. Despite this revelation, the deal was still tentatively agreed, and the party managed to leave the cave alive. However, all four members had to vow not to return and bother the oracle ever, ever again. A promise was made, and the party agreed to stay away until the tower above her was rid of the orc menace.

The party exited together via an easterly tunnel that led to a large chasm connected on its far end to another by just a single solitary spider web. Bravely Bumble traversed across it as it bobbed up and down dangerously until he reached the other side. As Bumble looked back across the web, hanging high over its deep drop, Tym's pessimism kicked in once more as he told the remainder of the party they would likely die here if they attempted the crossing. And it doesn't take much to break Tinderrocks confidence and he broke quickly, agreeing with the knight, that their death could indeed be close at hand were they to risk the bobbing spider web crossing. There was another way though, and Bumble shouted over from the other side suggesting a much longer, but safer passage could be made by crawling through one of the narrow and tight turning spider tunnels. All they had to do was go back through the oracles cave and follow the tunnels back around. That is, the oracle, they promised, and vowed, never to bother again. And so off the three of them trotted back toward her webbed up cave of death taking all their pessimism, fleeting bravery, and their golden crown with them...

Discover Your Greatest Adventure

Our adventure in Dragonbane goes on! We hope you discover your own adventure from our range of tabletop roleplaying games at Dungeonland. If you need help finding adventure, remember, you can talk to us or likeminded folk on our Discord channel. There are plenty of nice folk on there that will be happy to give you a recommendation.

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